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Silly Silent E Games - First Grade Cup Stacking Challenges

By popular demand, the printable Cup Stacking Silent E Games are finally here! These challenges will have your first graders stacking their way to better reading skills 🎉 and reading the difficult silent e words they need to master this year.

downloadable silent e games for cup stacking fun

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What’s the Scoop on Silent E?

Silent E is a powerful little letter that makes big changes in our words. It is often called "Sneaky E,"
"Bossy E", "Magic E," or even "Mama E" who tells the vowels to "say their names!"

Silent E transforms words like "hop" into "hope" and "tap" into "tape," and is taught in first grade, though some children learn it earlier or later.

To help first graders master this concept, I've reinvigorated the super viral original CVC cup stacking challenges to now include CVCe words! Students will use printable silent e games and stack cups with words on them to match the pictures in each of the 16 challenges.

Do you want even more cup stacking fun? Ever since I put these on Pinterest, all my cup stacking challenges have been selling like hot cakes. Try the consonant blend challenges, addition challenges, and the subtraction challenges!

PLAY to LEARN Silent E Games- Cup Stacking Instructions:

  1. Download and Print: Start by downloading our printable silent e challenges at the bottom of this blog post. Each challenge sheet features 4 challenges that ensure kids will have fun while mastering silent e words. They are grouped by the long vowels: a, i, o, and u. There is no sheet for e_e words, due to the fact that there are very few common words with the spelling pattern of e_e. (Sorry Eve and Pete!)
  2. Prepare the Cups: Grab a set of plastic or paper cups. (You'll only need 28 cups.) Write the silent e words listed on the bottom of each challenge sheet on the cups. I like to use different colors for each set of cups to keep things organized. See pics below for an example.
  3. Get Stacking: Each set of silent e cups will have 4 challenges for which they are used. Hand out the challenge sheets to the students. Their task? To stack the cups to match the pictures with the correct silent e/ magic e words!
  4. Check and Celebrate: Kids can work on their own or with partners for a great independent center or practice station. I usually have my students check their partner's work for even more practice building fluency with magic e words!
silent e games examples with 4 sets of cups

Why Silent E Games with Cup Stacking are AWESOME:

silent e games showing 6 cups with silent e words and long a vowel stacked in a pyramid
  • Interactive Learning: This game turns silent e practice into a physical activity, which helps engage young learners and makes abstract concepts more concrete.
  • Visual and Kinesthetic: By stacking cups, students use both visual and tactile learning methods to reinforce their understanding of the silent e rule.
  • Fun and Motivating: Who doesn’t love a good challenge? The stacking game adds an element of competition and excitement to spelling practice.
  • Vocabulary Building and Great for English Language Learners: I teach in a Title 1 school where most of my students are developing their English skills. The visuals in cup stacking challenges help my learners access the content and develop new words in English!

Extra Tips for Success to Master Silent E with These Games:

  • Group Work: Have students work in pairs or small groups to encourage collaboration and discussion about the silent e rule.
  • Timed Challenges: Add a timer to see how quickly students can complete the challenges. This adds a fun, competitive edge to the activity.
  • Preview the words: If you have a student population that is still developing their English, I recommend going over the pictures and words before playing the game, so that students can access the fun with ease!
  • Extend the learning: Are they done early? Switch sets of cups or use the cups you currently have to write a sentence using as many words as possible!

By incorporating the Cup Stacking Challenge into your classroom, you’ll create an engaging and dynamic way for first graders to practice silent e words. Watch as they stack, match, and learn their way to literacy success! 📚🏆 Phonics really is fun!

Ready to get stacking? Download your silent e games today and let the fun begin!

August 1, 2024

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